Earlier I've written on how you can enlarge on shrink an image on mouse hover in Vue.js. Now in this article, I'll show you how you can float an image…
Shrink an image on hover in Vue.js | Example
Earlier I've written how you can enlarge an image on hover in Vue.js by dynamically toggling a CSS class. Here I'll show you how you can shrink or make an…
Make image circular on hover in Vue.js | Example
In the previous article, I've shown how you can enlarge an image on mouse hover. In this article, you'll learn how you can make an image circular (circular border radius)…
Enlarge an image on hover in Vue.js | Example
Vue.js with its super fast reactivity makes reactive development a breeze. Here in this example, you'll learn how you can enlarge or zoom in an image on hover in Vue.js.…
How to create non-reactive constants in Vue.js? | Example
Vue.js components come with the data() function which makes anything you put in it reactive. Now, let's assume that you have some string constants in a separate file which you…
Access string constants globally in Vue.js | Example
It's always a good idea to keep all your strings in one file and access them across your templates and js/ts files. You can of course use the data() method…
Break points not working / pointing to wrong line numbers in Vue.js?
Debugger make the life of developers a breeze. But at the same time, if they don't work properly, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. With a JavaScript framework like…
How to emit an event with parameters to parent component in Vue.js?
Vue gives you the flexibility to emit an event with parameters to a function present in the parent component. This is one of the most powerful, yet underrated features of…
Convert seconds to hours and minutes in Vue.js | Example
In this example, I'm going to show you how you can convert seconds to hours and minutes without using any library. Most of the time, duration is stored to the…